Brushing and flossing regularly can go a long way towards preserving your oral health. Keeping up with these two simple but important habits is the easiest way to stay ahead of tooth decay, periodontal disease and other oral health problems that can result from neglected home care. Please read below to learn how to properly brush and floss or give us a call at 949-823-0006 to hear from our experienced team.
Always brush using a toothpaste containing fluoride. Fluoride strengthens the teeth by helping them absorb essential minerals that keep them strong. Check the labeling of your toothbrush and your toothpaste when you buy them to be sure they are approved by the ADA. Most major brands should be ADA-approved, but it doesn’t hurt to check. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles and be sure to switch it out for a new one once every three months for the most effective and hygienic use.
Follow these steps for proper brushing:
- Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your teeth.
- Brush each surface of your teeth. Be sure to brush each surface of your teeth including the flat chewing area, as well as the fronts and backs of each tooth where they meet the gums.
- Resist the urge to press too hard. Excessive pressure and friction while brushing are counter-productive to your dental and periodontal health.
- Lightly scrub the surface of your tongue.
Flossing allows you to clear food debris and bacteria from the spaces between your teeth. By regularly flossing, you can avoid the danger of gum disease and tooth decay. Our dentists recommends the following method of flossing:
- Use an approximately 18-inch piece of floss and wrap either end to a finger on either side and hold it taut.
- Insert the floss gently between your teeth and wiggle it gently up and down along each it is contacting to clear food debris and plaque. Be careful that the floss does not “pop” its way into or out of the gap to avoid soft tissue damage.
- Curl the used portion of floss around one of your fingers and use a new, clean bit of your length of floss for each new tooth.